Harm reduction. So, how to play responsibly and consciously? 12 ways to party safer

12 ways to party safer

Everyone sometimes wants to take a break from everyday rush and duties and just have some fun. Clubs with good music, social gatherings, festivals are events that provide an excellent opportunity to "erase your thoughts" and relax. During such events, you can gain easier access to psychoactive substances that help you relax and enjoy music and the company of friends to a greater extent. You could say that "everything is for people" and that "small doses from time to time won't hurt." We do not judge anyone and in no way do we want to encourage the use of any prohibited substances or stimulants. However, if you think that this is the only way to have fun or you just "want to try it", check out our tips that will help you increase the safety of playing with stimulants.

Everyone sometimes wants to take a break from everyday rush and duties and just have some fun. Clubs with good music, social gatherings, festivals are events that provide an excellent opportunity to "erase your thoughts" and relax. During such events, you can gain easier access to psychoactive substances that help you relax and enjoy music and the company of friends to a greater extent. You could say that "everything is for people" and that "small doses from time to time won't hurt." We do not judge anyone and in no way do we want to encourage the use of any prohibited substances or stimulants. However, if you think that this is the only way to have fun or you just "want to try it", check out our tips that will help you increase the safety of playing with stimulants.

Step number 1 – there is no such thing as safe taking

There are many contraindications to taking any psychoactive substances. Texts such as "it doesn't harm me" or "it's safe in the right dose" should not be an encouragement to take them. The truth is that unless we create a compound ourselves, we cannot be sure what is in it. Dealers working in clubs or during various events can collect their goods from various sources. One way to check whether the product we decide to take is actually the substance we expect is to carry out special tests that allow us to analyze the composition of a given stimulant. Appropriate tests will allow you to detect whether a given substance is present and determine the content of all kinds of admixtures that may cause unwanted side effects. More information about colorimetric testing can be found here .

Before you decide to take any psychoactive drug, seek information about its effects and side effects. Get to know the composition of the product and check how all the substances it contains may affect the body. Find out everything you need to know about the risks of taking a given drug and do research on how to avoid side effects.

Step no. 2 – dose wisely

Following the principle that there is no such thing as safe taking, it is also difficult to talk about safe doses. Nevertheless, if you want to get a "phase" at a party and consciously decide to use substances that are not necessarily allowed, start with small doses. This is especially important, especially if this is your first adventure with a given substance. No matter what your friends say, each body can react differently to a new substance and if you don't want to end up in the hospital, approach it wisely. Start with the minimum dose, measure e.g. ¼ portion and observe the effects. To start with, choose products that are easy to measure and avoid microdots and drops. If you are looking for reliable knowledge on how to dose and want to get more information about a given substance, click here

Step #3 – Don't “relax” alone

Feelings after taking psychedelics vary and each person may react differently to a specific drug. Therefore, it is important not to take psychoactive substances on your own, especially if you are about to try something for the first time or want to increase your dose. Make sure that there are people around you whom you can trust and be sure that in the event of side effects, they will take care of you and take you to the hospital if necessary. Moreover, at least one person in the environment should remain sober and refrain from using stimulants that evening. This rule is important not only because it is always better to party in a group of people close to us, but because the presence of trusted people increases safety in the event of unforeseen situations occurring after taking psychogenic substances.

Step #4 – avoid mixing

In the case of any stimulants, mixing is dangerous. The adverse effects of mixing alcohol are probably known to everyone who has ever been to a drinking party. Similar or even worse side effects may result from mixing psychoactive substances. You need to be careful not only when mixing different types of stimulants, but also when mixing them with alcohol. This step is very important because the interactions of various types of stimulants may have unforeseen consequences. Moreover, mixing different psychoactive substances can be harmful not only during the party, but also worsen the hangover the next day. See how individual substances interact with each other.

Step 5 – don't forget about hydration

Hydration during events is important not only when you consume any stimulants. It's usually hot in crowds, and if you also spend time dancing, you lose more water. It is recommended to always have some liquid on hand at a party. It is best to drink about 250 ml per hour, and if we are active or the temperature is high, even 500 ml/h. Drinking regularly will prevent dehydration and may reduce the effects of consuming psychoactive substances. However, we should not overdo it with fluids. Drinking a large amount of water at once may result in stomach problems and worsening of your well-being. It is best to drink fluids often, but in small sips. It doesn't have to be pure water, grape juice works great at parties. If you choose water, make sure it is highly mineralized, e.g. "Muszynianka".

Step no. 6 – choose electrolytes and isotonic drinks

Isotonic drinks and electrolytes are products that were created especially for physically active people. However, such congress supplements are also useful during and after events where alcohol and other intoxicants were present. In event conditions related to dancing, drinking and taking psychoactive substances, it is much easier to lose electrolytes, which are key to maintaining the body's water and electrolyte balance. Branded electrolyte and isotonic drinks are available for sale, such as Oshee or Powerade. You can also make special potions yourself by adding important vitamins and minerals to the water, such as:

  • magnesium - this is a mineral that has a major impact on the human nervous system, including brain function. The appropriate level of this ingredient will help avoid excessive excitement after taking psychoactive substances. Magnesium may also have a positive effect on the brain's response to a given drug. Remember that stimulants often intensify the mood we are already in. If we are depressed, this feeling can become stronger. An adequate level of magnesium in the body will reduce this symptom and help avoid the negative effects of irresponsible partying. Magnesium is often used in post-party supplements because it helps restore the body's balance;
  • vitamin C - this vitamin is one of the best antioxidants. Studies have shown that it can prevent liver damage caused by various types of stimulants. Vitamin C may also help reduce post-party hangovers. Many experts on the subject recommend that during and after a party, before going to sleep, take a mixture consisting of, among others, a dose of magnesium and vitamin C;
  • alpha-lipoic acid - a strong antioxidant that has the ability to cleanse the body of, among others, reactive oxygen and nitrogen. It is also useful during parties because it prevents serotonin deficits, thus reducing the risk of worsening bad mood after taking a psychoactive substance;
  • grape seed extract - has a high content of vitamin E, which is a great antioxidant and can protect against cell death. This is why hydrating with grape juice is a good idea during a party;
  • tryptophan – often used in the so-called supplements for the congress. It has an effect that reduces the effects of serotonin deficiency, which may appear after taking some stimulants.

It is worth preparing a mixture of the above substances and taking it with you to the club. You don't have to select doses and mix ingredients yourself, you can also choose ready-made supplements, such as the After Rave regeneration supplement we offer.

Step no. 7 – add sugar

Glucose is an ingredient that is fuel for our body. It is a substance necessary for the proper functioning of cellular metabolism. Nerve cells are particularly sensitive to the lack of glucose, and its deficiency may cause concentration and attention disorders. Too low glucose levels also increase the susceptibility of brain cells to psychogenic substances. If we don't want our phase to get out of control, it's worth having candy, sweet lollipops or jelly beans with us.

Step no. 8 – ensure access to fresh air

Fresh air improves blood circulation and has a positive effect on your well-being. In clubs, where there are usually a lot of people, the air is stuffy, which can cause dizziness and nausea. Such an environment also enhances the adverse effects of intoxicants and may lead to unforeseen consequences of their use. So, even when you're having fun listening to your favorite music, it's worth remembering to take a break from time to time, go outside and breathe some fresh air. This will help you maintain sobriety and avoid unforeseen consequences of using stimulants.

Step no. 9 – if you feel bad, give up psychoactive substances

Psychedelic drugs enhance the internal state of the person who takes them. People who are in a good mood may feel even happier after taking it and even experience euphoria (which is also not safe). However, if you feel bad, have depressive thoughts and are in a generally bad mental state, it is better to give up stimulants altogether. Under the influence of psychoactive substances, decisions are often made that would not even occur to one when sober. Remember that the most important thing is your safety, do not make hasty decisions, and if your mood is worse on a given day, skip the phase and preferably stay at home in a safe environment.

Step 10 – learn about the symptoms of a bad trip

Trip, i.e. the so-called A psychedelic trip is a term used to describe the state a person experiences after taking psychoactive substances. The current mental and emotional state is then intensified, which may have various consequences. Psychedelic journeys can be unpredictable, so it is worth making sure that you are as safe as possible. In addition to preventive behaviors aimed at reducing the negative consequences of drinking, you also need to know how to recognize the symptoms of the so-called bad trip.

Disturbing conditions to watch out for include:

  • time and space disturbances - if they are too deep, they may cause unexpected behavior or the so-called broken video;
  • feeling anxious, panic, paranoia, suicidal thoughts;
  • the desire to escape, the feeling of being overwhelmed by space, the desire to break out into "freedom";
  • disturbances in motor coordination and unpleasant sensations related to body control;
  • somatic symptoms - hot flashes, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, dilated pupils, nausea.

If any of these symptoms occur, first of all, you need to stop taking psychoactive substances. It is best to do one of the steps described above, e.g. replenish fluids, go out for fresh air, eat something sweet. If the disturbing feeling persists, ask for help from a trusted person who will provide you with appropriate care until your condition calms down.

Step 11 – help your friends if they need it

It may happen that it is not you who will experience unpleasant feelings related to the use of stimulants, but one of the people you party with. Don't be idle then. Behave the way you would want someone to behave towards you in the opposite situation. Take your friend to a safe place and give him something to drink or snack. If you feel it is necessary, call an ambulance. Remember to make the person who needs help feel safe. You can say to her "I'm with you", "it will pass in a moment" and hold her hand.

Step no. 12 – supplementation and a good diet will help after the event

The day after the party can be difficult. When the body fights the ingested toxic substances, it manifests itself in malaise, dementia, headache and fatigue. If you want to get back in shape as quickly as possible, make sure you have a proper diet. A good, nutritious meal will help the body cope more quickly with the effects of taking stimulants, thanks to which it will start functioning properly again. Choose a protein meal. It is also worth purchasing post-party supplements, such as After Rave, rich in L-tryptophan, magnesium, carnitine and other ingredients that promote faster regeneration. Try to get back to normal functioning as soon as possible. Make sure you get enough sleep (at least 8 hours) and go for a walk. A little physical exercise is also a great idea for a descent!

Having fun in clubs or festivals is a good option for a momentary break from everyday life, spending time with friends and forgetting about problems. Psychoactive substances often appear at such events, which may tempt you with the promise of relaxation and mood improvement. When going to a party with the intention of using such drugs, remember that stimulants are never safe. If you decide you want to try them, you need to take responsibility for that decision. However, make sure to reduce side effects to a minimum. We hope that we have managed to make you aware that taking psychoactive substances can be dangerous and that our harm reduction suggestions will be useful to you if you decide to use intoxicating substances.